Superb, 150 sqm shell, divided into two main offices.
These cozy offices were designed to feel like a luxury penthouse apartment, rather than a corporate workspace, blurring boundaries between work and home, aiming to create intimate workspaces where ideas can be shared easily between staff and clients with every detail in its right place.
When designing the layout for an open plan office, my priority is to provide the right opportunities to work collaboratively as well as individually. The kitchen is the heart of the place where workers meet to chat about work casually and socialize in a friendly manner. Whilst the elevated conference room invites more formal interactions and a sense of privacy. At their desks, workers can work both individually and as a team. With Good Design Thinking, prioritizing the human experience of space, open plan offices offer something for every situation. The main thing is to plan and understand the brief from the beginning and maintain the human aspect throughout from Shell to Finish.